Safety Leadership Training

To help your business improve health and safety performance it is critical that people within leadership positions understand the principles of workplace health and safety, their WHS responsibilities and have the appropriate skills to manage the WHS management system. 

Through our safety leadership training we will assist your management staff to demonstrate and drive genuine safety commitment throughout the business, resulting in improved health and safety behaviours and performance, reduced costs of injuries and equipment/plant damage. 

Businesses have a legal requirement to identify and control hazards in the workplace.Effective risk management not only improves worker health and safety, it reduces the number and severity of workplace injuries, illnesses and costs, reduces equipment damage and helps to promote innovation, improved quality and productivity of work.

Working Life can develop and / or deliver a range of on-site and on-line WHS training services to meet your organisation’s specific needs including:

·       Training Presentations 

·       Training Programs and Manuals

·       Training Gap Analysis

·       Training Documentation

·       Training Matrix

·       Toolbox talks/safety conversations